Welcome to Floodstage Studio / Live / Lighting / et al….

So wth is it named Floodstage, anyway?!

I’ve been recording since the late 70’s.
When we got a house in 88, we built a studio

The house is in a flood plain (Flood)
We like performing live (Stage)
It’s a studio (Studio)

Floodstage Studio

One night someone asked: “What if it floods?”
And the answer: “Have a jam on the roof until the power goes out or shocks the …. out of us”

A friend heard that, took it upon herself to draw up a sweet logo for us (Thanks Margaret!)

She made it cats, because….well cats!

Thats where logo came from


Roll the clock forward 30 years….
The studio is still here and gets a lot of private use
But there’s not a lot of demand for recording studio’s in today’s “music is free” world.
But live music is still chugging right along, so now we do a LOT of live sound

If you want to record a band, solo project, demo’s you name it, we can do it.
The one thing we don’t do is live to 2 track demos in the studio.
The console is in the live room, so all projects are mixed -after- they are tracked

So we do:
Live Sound
Lighting for live sound
Video Capture and basic editing
Recording Audio (Live and in the Studio)
and a bunch of other stuff!

(One thing we don’t do is web design, lol!)

If you want to contact us, please e-mail at


Rock on!!

Theme: Overlay by Kaira